Equipping Pastors Through Conference Discipleship
A part of the ministry of Encouragement International is the equipping of pastors through bringing them to different pastoral conferences throughout the year. Two conferences that EII aims to bring men to each year is the Shepherds Conference hosted every March and the Shepherds 360 Conference hosted every October. These conferences equip and refresh men for ministry in their local churches. Each year our Slavic pastors get the opportunity to sit under faithful expositors of the Word, learn from the experience of other ministry leaders, and make meaningful ministry connections at these conferences. This immersive time in the Word and with fellow brothers in Christ leaves these pastors encouraged to go back to their communities ready to serve Christ.
Thanks to your generosity we have been able to bring over 200 men to pastoral conferences over the last 16 years.
The cost to bring one pastor to the states to attend a conference is around $1,000. Would you please prayerfully consider helping to sponsoring a pastor?
Upcoming Conferences
The Shepherds 360 Conference is hosted each October by Shepherds Theological Seminary in Raleigh, NC. It is a time for pastors, church leaders and those involved in the trenches of ministry to be spiritually refreshed, grow personally in their walk with the Lord and develop professionally. This 3-day conference involves worship, general session and breakout sessions that are tailored to the practical needs of church leaders related to each year’s theme. The theme of 2024 is City of God, City of Man where the topics of Israel, the Church, the Kingdom, culture and government and their relationship to one another will be discussed.
Visit https://www.shepherds360.org to learn more and to listen to the teaching from past conferences.
Hal has taught the following session at the Shepherds 360 Conference. You can listen at https://www.shepherds360.org/conference-media or under EII’s Audio Resources.
The Challenge for Churches as They Minister to People with Foreign (Ex. Slavic) Worldview on Marriage - CHRISTIAN ETHICS 2023
The Challenge for Churches as They Minister to People with a Foreign (Asian) Worldview on Marriage - CHRISTIAN ETHICS 2023
Ethics of Esther - CHRISTIAN ETHICS: 2022
Different Approaches to Missions – DIFFERENCES 2021
Is Your Theology (Eastern) Orthodox? Part 1 – VISION 2020
Is Your Theology (Eastern) Orthodox? Part 2 – VISION 2020
Communicating Complex Theological Truth Clearly Without the Christianese, the Cliches, or the Confusion – COMMUNICATING TRUTH 2019
Teaching Laymen How to Study God's Word and Prepare a (Mini) Sermon – COMMUNICATING TRUTH 2019
Overseas Leadership Training – DOING CHURCH 2018
The Shepherds Conference is hosted each March by Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California. This conference aims to provide men who are in church leadership with a time to be immersed in the Word, challenged to continue in their commitment to biblical ministry wherever God has placed them and to find encouragement together with other saints from all around the world. This 3-day conference is packed with worship, general sessions and break out sessions tailored towards each year’s theme. The theme of 2024 was a call to renew the resolve to defend and declare the faith once for all delivered to the saints.
Visit https://www.shepherdsconference.org to learn more and listen to the teaching from past conferences.