I sensed the call of God at a very early age but did not know how to respond. I was raised in a main-line denominational church which did not preach the Gospel or the importance of studying the Bible as God’s message to man. Instead, I had a heavy dose of “do good for God” and He will accept you into His presence.
While I sensed that this message was incomplete, I did not have another message to consider so I continued living by the only “plan” I had been exposed to and this was growing increasingly unsatisfying.
At age 17 I attended a weekend youth retreat. The youth leader made a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for the first time I heard how my need for righteousness to enter in before the presence of God was accomplished by Jesus on the cross. and that this righteousness could be transferred to me through faith. I was one of 2 who responded that morning.
Since that time in high school my growth has been slow but steady. At first I was on my own for growth (the person who shared the Gospel with me did not think I had much potential so he never followed up with me). I devoured the Navigator booklet “Knowing God” but my growth accelerated when I became acquainted with the tape ministry of John MacArthur which drew me after four years in college to move to Sun Valley and study at the Logos Bible Institute at Grace Community Church. I eventually entered and graduated from seminary and received a Master of Divinity degree. Since then God has used His Word and the experiences of life to shape me into a vessel of His making (although I still resist but He is working on that as well).
At this point of my life I have a strong desire to serve Him. My wife, Cecilie, and I have raised four children to fear the Lord; to train others who will take the gospel of the grace of God (Acts 20:24) through out their country in the former Soviet Union and to encourage others in their walk with God here in the United States. And finally, I look forward to the day when “we shall see Him just as He is” (1 John 3:2) so that I can thank Him face to face for graciously choosing me for adoption as a Son of God.
Ministry Responsibilities:
- Responsible for the vision and direction of EII
- Oversight of EII's Director for Eastern European Missions, Director of Mentoring and Director of Translators
- Oversight of EII seminar development and teaching