Mark R. Currie, PhD - Chairman of the Board
Mark has spent the last 25 exciting years in senior leadership in the healthcare arena. Known for his enthusiasm and positive perspectives Mark has held key roles in major healthcare organizations such as Vice President of Cardinal Health, a Fortune 20 company. Mark has been married for 32 years and has 3 grown children and is active in leadership and service at Grace Community Church where he has attended for over 40+ years.
Dwight Ham - Vice Chairman
Dwight D. Ham is currently Associate Professor of Business at The Master's College and has served over 40 years in business as CFO, COO, and a member of various Board of Directors managing financial reporting, accounting, P&L, and operations. He spent 14 years in banking and served on the Board of Directors of an independent bank. He currently serves Chairman of Independent Citizen’s Advisory and Oversight Committee for the Los Angeles METRO and a member of The Board of Directors for the Bank of Santa Clarita where he has been a member for over five years. Mr. Ham is a Certified Management Accountant issued by The Institute of Management Accounting (IMA). He received his MBA from Pepperdine University in 1976 and MABC from The Master's College in 2003. He is currently enrolled at George Fox University in their Doctorate of Business Administration program.
Tom O'Donoghue – Secretary
Tom placed his confidence in the Gospel in 1979 at the age of 17. He quickly involved himself in ministry by serving primarily in a Juvenile Hall ministry. As he progressed in age and spiritual maturity, the Lord blessed him with a godly wife (Peggy). They have four children who love and serve the Lord in ministry as volunteers or as full time vocational ministers. Tom has served as an elder in his church, as a home group leader, as a parenting instructor, as a men’s discipling leader, and as a mentor of high school youth. Professionally, Tom has been in the mortgage loan industry since 1987 and presently works exclusively with seniors by educating them about reverse mortgage loans and how they can continue to build a legacy.
Tom and Peggy have been serving at Shepherd of the Hills Church in Porter Ranch, CA since 1998.
Jerry VanSchaik – Board Member
Jerry spent his career in aerospace finance, mostly at Lockheed Corporation, later Lockheed Martin Corporation, ultimately becoming Corporate Treasurer. He retired in 2006, and moved with his wife of 36 years to Wilmington, NC. He has three grown sons and two grandchilden. He is active in his church, serving as a Sunday School teacher, on the finance committee, and as Church moderator. He previously served for 18 years on the Board of Mission Aviation Fellowship.
Hal Hays, M.Div. - President and Treasurer
Hal has been in ministry for 41 years. He has served on church staffs, has represented Walk Thru the Bible Ministries as one of its international instructors and continues to train leaders within the local church he attends. He is the founder and President of Encouragement International, Inc., an organization that began in 1994 and was formally incorporated in 1997. Hal and his family continue to be actively involved at Grace Community Church.