Since 1917, the Russian people have been dominated by the humanistic, anti-God thinking of Marxist-Leninist philosophy. The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 removed a yoke of spiritual repression that the Slavic people had been forced to endure for almost 80 years. As a result, the countries of the former Soviet Union have been left with the enormous task of rebuilding the character and structure of their nations.
Rebuilding a nation is not easy. While the structure of government was rapidly formed and implemented, the course of character development within the nation is slowly determined. The people are 'hungry' for the satisfaction of their souls left void by the numbing, anti-God thinking of Marxist-Leninist philosophy. This has provided a window of opportunity for introducing their souls to the only eternally satisfying hope and encouragement found in the message of Jesus Christ.
The Work of Encouragement International
The ministry of Encouragement International (EII) is focused on equipping Slavic men and women to take the message of salvation through Jesus (in the form of the Gospel) throughout their nation. This is possible because of the unique opening of relations with the "west' left by the fall of the former Soviet Union.
Hal Hays, President of EII, regularly travels to Slavic countries to assist in the equipping of pastors and church leaders. Amid the struggle to establish Bible teaching churches, the Slavic people are confronted by many cults and false religions that have invaded the former Soviet Union to take advantage of the country's weakened spiritual condition. EII assists in the equipping of Slavic pastors and church leaders by providing training and instruction they will need as they face the challenges of false religions, and other spiritual crises common to all mankind.
EI's Threefold Approach
EII assists the Russian Church in 3 major tasks:
1. Equip
Training pastors and church leaders who are equipped for ministry:
- Through specialized training in cooperation with a number of Slavic Bible Colleges
- Through financial assistance to pastors and students.
- Through the encouragement of humanitarian aid, personal contact and the provision of much needed necessities of life for the neediest students and pastors.
2. Evangelize
Assisting churches to evangelize a spiritually hungry people.
- The Slavic people are hungry and eager to hear the Word of God. EII works with pastors in their Gospel outreach with the people.
3. Empower
Provision of needed resources empower.
- There are a multitude of financial needs in Russia. Churches need money for securing a place to meet and worship, pastors need money for support as well as purchasing helpful Bible study materials, seminary students need financial assistance for their educational training. EII seeks to meet these legitimate needs and is personally involved with those who are receiving this assistance.